2Twelve Youth Service
  • 7758 Earl Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117

  • Westside Kids Arena

2Twelve Youth Service

Our 2Twelve Youth Services are designed to create a safe place for teens (ages 11-18) to connect with God, each other, and the world around them. Our full youth service gatherings are held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month right after the main service ends. Our programming also provides room for Small Group Hangouts to happen in the off-weeks. Each youth service features a free lunch, a time of praise & worship, group games, a relevant message that challenges students to activate their faith weekly, and a Small Group connection time to help students dig deeper into the message and ask questions to help clarify their faith.

Our Current Series:


So what’s trending on Netflix this week? Maybe TV isn’t your thing, but I’ll bet you’ve got a time vortex. Maybe yours is a gaming system. You log on for just a few minutes and then, somehow it’s midnight. Maybe you throw on headphones and just space out listening to Spotify, or maybe you stare at your phone and scroll without even really looking at what people post. We all have a favorite distraction—something we get lost in. And while there’s nothing wrong with taking a break, you’ve probably also discovered that it’s more tempting to reach for something fun when you’re facing something that isn’t. We all have a tendency to avoid something difficult by doing something easy. Or we escape something painful by running toward something that feels good. Or we hide something that hurts by pretending it isn’t there. But maybe you’ve also noticed that none of these strategies really work. In fact, sometimes our favorite escapes can leave us feeling more stuck than before. In this series we’ll look at three ways we’re all tempted to skip out on the real life that God has for us. As we do, you may just find God’s inviting you to stop avoiding it, escaping it, or hiding it and just . . . deal with it.

For more information about our youth programming, contact our Next Generation Pastor, Amanda Martinez.